It's seed starting season! - PerenniaLeigh

It's seed starting season!

I'm excited to start seeds this year, if a bit impatient. I've taken the leap to get a grown-up greenhouse. Last spring, a fierce wind gust turned my hoop house inside out.


My for-reals greenhouse arrived last week, in boxes, and I'm waiting for the deck construction to assemble it. Bob and I went back and forth over wether to build the deck ourselves, but there's so much to do that only we can do. We're learning to ask for help, especially when we're newbies at something. As with any new project, there's a bit of waiting involved - and let's be honest, I'm not the most patient person in the world. So, in the meantime, I've decided to quench my garden desires by starting some seeds in the shop and basement.

seedlings-artichoke  seedlings-tomoto-comfrey

Now, some might say that starting seeds is a tedious process - and sure, it can be finicky at times. Get yourself some seed starting mats and a few LED lights and you'll be grand. This season, I'm trying seeds from some new vendors and some have MUCH better germination rates than others. I get so excited when my seed babies sprout. Even Bob is invested, calling them "our seed babies." Our tomatoes have been more successful than our artichokes, and the eggplants are promising. I can't wait to see these little babies to pop up and grow into robust seedlings.
As you start your seedlings, be sure to label your trays. I mistakenly thought I'd remember what I put in that one extra tray. Don't do this. You won't remember. Luckily, I put seed packets on the tray and took a picture. It's the only way I could have decoded this. Take your time and label your seeds. Regardless what you think, it's unlikely you'll remember after a few days. And you want to avoid planting your tomatoes next to your brassica.
We might be bugging the contractor every few days for an updated start date. COVID made contract dates so difficult. Our kids are still in kitchen remodel limbo. In a few weeks, I'll have my greenhouse and starts galore. Looking for tomatoes, eggplant, or zinnias? I've got you covered.


Wishing you a fantastic growing season.

Until next time, happy gardening!
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